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How to Vote

Find all the information you need about registering to vote, voting in-person, voting by mail, and how you can be involved in the elections process. 

How do I register to vote?

Members of the UMD community can register to vote at The Maryland voter registration deadline for the general election is Tuesday, October 15, 2024. For other states’ voter registration deadlines, visit our State Directory page.

How do I check if I’m registered to vote?

Visit to check if you’re registered to vote. Alternatively, if you think you’re registered to vote in Maryland, you can check here.

I’m an out of state student at UMD, can I register to vote at my local, College Park address?

Yes! To register to vote in Maryland, you must live in Maryland. Therefore, you may register at your local campus address by October 15, 2024. 

Out-of-state students have the option to register at their home address to vote in their home state or at their local campus address to vote in Maryland.

If I miss the October 15th deadline to register to vote, can I still register?

Yes, you can register to vote in-person during early voting or on Election day! To register in-person, go to your assigned election day polling place and bring a proof of residence document. Any of the following are allowed as proof of residence:

  • MVA-issued license
  • ID card
  • Change of address card
  • Paycheck
  • Bank statement
  • Utility bill
  • Other government document with your name or address

How do I update my registration?

You can use Maryland's Online Voter Registration System (OLVR) to update your name, address, or political party affiliation. Alternatively, you can notify your local board of elections of any voter registration information changes. You can look up your local board of elections here.

How do I know if I'm eligible to vote in Maryland?

To register in Maryland, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen;
  • Be a Maryland resident;
  • Be at least 16 years old, and at least 18 years old by the next general election;
  • Not be under guardianship for mental disability;
  • Not have been convicted of buying or selling votes;
  • Not have been convicted of a felony, or if you have, have completed serving a court ordered sentence of imprisonment

Maryland is a closed primary state. What does that mean for me?

When you register to vote, you can register to be affiliated with one of Maryland's political parties (you can also change your affiliation before October 15th for the general election). If you choose to affiliate with a particular party, you can vote for all the partisan primary elections for that particular party. However, if you register as unaffiliated (commonly referred to as independent), you generally will not be able to vote in primary elections with the exception being any nonpartisan primary election held in your jurisdiction like nominees for the Board of Education.

How do I request a mail-in ballot?

You can request your ballot any of these ways:

1. Online: You will need a Maryland's driver license or MVA-issed ID card to request online here

2. Paper: You can complete and return a mail-in ballot application for 2024 elections on paper. Once you print the form, fill out the information requested and sign the form. You can return the form by mail, fax, or email to your local board of elections. You can access the form at this link under the "How do I request a mail-in ballot" tab.

3. In-person: Visit your local board of elections and fill out the form and return it in-person. You can find your local board of elections here

When should I request my mail-in ballot? 

As soon as possible! The earlier you request your mailed ballot, the more time you have to return it by Election Day. Visit to request your mail-in ballot today.

The Maryland deadline to request your mail-in ballot is November 1, 2024. For other states’ deadlines, visit our State Directory page.

When should I return my mail-in ballot?

As soon as possible! Once you have your mailed ballot, we suggest you mail it back by November 6th to make sure there's enough time before Election Day for your ballot to arrive at your local board of elections. If you are planning to drop off your ballot in a drop box, do so before Election Day.

For Maryland voters, the absolute deadline to mail your ballot is November 8, 2024, and your ballot must be received by your local election office by 10 a.m. on November 15, 2024, to be counted. For other states, visit our State Directory page for specific mail-in deadlines.

Note: Make sure you sign your name and print the date and your name on the back of the ballot envelope where it requests the information!

Do I need a stamp to mail in my ballot?

No, you do not need a stamp to mail your ballot. You may attach a stamp to your ballot envelope, but if you do not, USPS will deliver the ballot no matter what. Your local board of elections will be charged the price of the postage for your ballot.

If I request a mail-in ballot and don’t use it, can I still vote in person on Election Day?

If you request a mailed ballot, you are committing to vote by mail. If for some reason you don't receive your ballot or are not able to fill it out and return it on time, you may cast a provisional ballot in person on Election Day. This ballot will not be counted until nine days after Election Day, upon verification that you only cast one ballot.

How do I return my mail-in ballot?

You can return your ballot any of these ways:

  1. Mail your ballot inside the accompanying envelope from your local post office or mailbox by Election Day
  2. Drop your ballot off in a drop box provided by your county board of elections. You may only drop your ballot off in a drop box in the county in which you’re registered to vote. For example, if you’re registered to vote in Montgomery County, do not drop your ballot off in a drop box near campus, you must drop it off at a drop box in Montgomery County.
  3. Return your ballot to an in-person polling place during early voting or on Election Day.
  4. Hand deliver your ballot to your local board of elections by 8 PM on election day

A list of drop boxes in Maryland will be available at this link once they’re announced. 

When will I receive my ballot if I request a vote-by-mail ballot?

In Maryland, ballots will be mailed beginning in late-September through Election Day. In all states, including Maryland, the earlier you request your ballot, the earlier you’ll receive it.

Can I track my mail-in ballot after I mail it or drop it off?

In Maryland, yes. You can track your ballot here

When do I vote?

If you are planning to vote in person in Maryland, you can vote early any day from Thursday, October 24, 2024, to Thursday, October 31, 2024 or you can vote on Election Day, November 5th, 2022. Polling places will be open during early voting and election day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Where do I vote?

During the early voting period, you can vote at ANY Early Voting Center in the county in which you live. Find a list of Maryland Early Voting Centers here. If you live on or near campus, the closest early voting center is the College Park Community Center, a 20 minute walk from campus.

On Election Day, you must go to your assigned polling place to vote. Always check your voter registration to find your correct assigned polling place. If you live on campus, your assigned polling place will likely be either the Stamp Student Union or Ritchie Coliseum. 

If you are registered to vote outside of Maryland, visit our State Directory for more information about in-person voting in your state.

Can I vote on campus?

To vote at the Stamp Student Union or Ritchie Coliseum, you have to update your voter registration to your College Park address. You can do that here by October 15, 2024. Additionally, if you don't want to re-register at a new address, you can request a mail-in ballot from your home county and state to be mailed to your College Park address. You can do that at the same link as before, but the deadline to request a mail-in ballot in Maryland is November 1, 2022.

How do I vote in person?

In Maryland, if you vote in person, you will fill in a paper ballot by pen. Election workers will be there to help you scan in your vote and assist with any questions. You must, however, cast your vote alone unless you are unable to do so due to a disability or you are unable to read or write in English.

If I’m registered to vote in my home state, not Maryland, can I still vote on Election Day?

In order to vote in Maryland on Election Day, you must be a Maryland resident who is registered to vote. If you are not a Maryland registered voter, you should plan ahead to request a mail-in ballot from your home state by their set deadlines. Check out our State Directory page for further information on how to request a mail-in ballot in your home state, or feel free to contact us at if further assistance is needed!

If you are at home on Election Day, in the state where you’re registered to vote, you may vote there on Election Day. Check out our State Directory page for more information about Election Day in your state.

There are both paid & volunteer opportunities to serve as election workers in the upcoming Elections - during Early Voting & Election Day! 

Fill out this form for more information & to sign up to serve as an election worker:

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